• David Bard-Schwarz, music theory

    David Bard-Schwarz, Music Theory, Analysis and Interdisciplinary Studies in Music and Culture

    David Bard-Schwarz has degrees in English, Comparative Literature, German (Foreign Language Certificate), Interactive Telecommunications, and Music. He has written two single-authored books Listening Subjects: Music, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Listening Awry: Music and Alterity in German Culture. His specialties include Music Theory and Music and Cultural Studies with an emphasis on semiotics and Post-Lacanian psychoanalysis. He is active in the iARTA research cluster bringing together work in music, engineering, computer science, and the arts at UNT and is editor-in-chief of MOEBIUS—a new journal publishing criticism in cultural studies and interactive media.

    Visit his website at davidbardschwarz.com